Lakota Victory Day Pony Races

On June 25, 2017 Alex White Plume hosts the Hemp Victory Day followed by the Lakota Victory Day Pony Races on June 26. The White Plume family comes together to host the pony races annually to commemorate the defeat of General Custer following his attack on the peaceful Sundance Camp on the Greasy Grass in Montana. General Custer was defeated and the Lakota people, along with the Crow people and other indigenous tribes celebrate the victory. Wiki calls this day a battle but it was really a massacre.
The horse races look to the past for inspiration and so the races include “Drag the Fallen Soldier” and killing custer which includes “Capture the Flag”. There are races for everyone including races where riders lead or walk their horses.
Alex was the focus of the documentary film Standing Silent Nation about his groundbreaking efforts to legalize and form a hemp industry on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. After a decade of living under a federal injunction to have anything to do with hemp, Alex has had all charges dropped. Now Alex has White Plume Hemp and his community is embracing the many ways that hemp can benefit the land, economy and people.